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Volume 10, issue 02
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ISSN: 2274-0422

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Articles using keyword "Ladinian"

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3D model and accompanying dataset related to the publication: A new, exceptionally preserved juvenile specimen of Eusaurosphargis dalsassoi (Diapsida) and implications for Mesozoic marine diapsid phylogeny
Torsten M. Scheyer Logo, James, M. Neenan Logo, Timea Bodogan Logo, Heinz Furrer Logo, Christian Obrist Logo and Mathieu Plamondon Logo
Published online: 30/06/2017

Keywords: Ladinian; marine reptiles; osteology; postcranium; Prosanto Formation; Switzerland


    The present contribution contains the 3D model and dataset analyzed in the following publication: Scheyer, T. M., J. M. Neenan, T. Bodogan, H. Furrer, C. Obrist, and M. Plamondon. 2017. A new, exceptionally preserved juvenile specimen of Eusaurosphargis dalsassoi (Diapsida) and implications for Mesozoic marine diapsid phylogeny. Scientific Reports,

  See original publication
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Published in Volume 03, Issue 03 (2017)


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