
Volume 07, issue 02
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ISSN: 2274-0422

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MorphoMuseuM Volume 07, issue 02
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3D dataset

3D models related to the publication: First partial cranium of Togocetus from Kpogamé (Togo) and the protocetid diversity in the Togolese phosphate basin.
Koffi E. Kassegne, Mickaël Mourlam Logo, Guillaume Guinot Logo, Yawovi Z. Amoudji Logo, Jeremy E. Martin Logo, Kodjo A. Togbe, Ampah K. Johnson and Lionel Hautier Logo
Published online: 22/06/2021

Keywords: Comparative anatomy; Middle Eocene; Paleoenvironment; phylogeny; Protocetidae

References: 1
Cited by: 1

Cite this article: Koffi E. Kassegne, Mickaël Mourlam, Guillaume Guinot, Yawovi Z. Amoudji, Jeremy E. Martin, Kodjo A. Togbe, Ampah K. Johnson and Lionel Hautier, 2021. 3D models related to the publication: First partial cranium of Togocetus from Kpogamé (Togo) and the protocetid diversity in the Togolese phosphate basin. MorphoMuseuM 7:e143. doi: 10.18563/journal.m3.143

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This contribution contains the 3D models described and figured in the following publication: Kassegne K. E., Mourlam M. J., Guinot G., Amoudji Y. Z., Martin J. E., Togbe K. A., Johnson A. K., Hautier L. 2021. First partial cranium of Togocetus from Kpogamé (Togo) and the protocetid diversity in the Togolese phosphate basin. Annales de Paléontologie, Issue 2, April–June 2021, 102488.  

Specimens and 3D Data

Togocetus cf. traversei ULDG-KPO1 View specimen


The specimen consists of a partial cranium prepared out of a calcareous phosphate matrix. The partial cranium lacks the anterior part of the rostrum, the cranial roof, and most of the basicranium apart from the left zygomatic process of the squamosal. The maxilla, nasal, palatine, pterygoid, alisphenoid, and squamosal bones are preserved, as well as two incomplete dental rows described hereafter.

Type: "3D_surfaces"

doi: 10.18563/m3.sf.768   state:published

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µCT . Resolution: 0.3156mm. This scan can easily be opened with Fiji, MorphoDig, 3DSlicer, or any software that reads .MHD file format. Also, the .RAW file can be opened easily with other software such as Avizo/Amira when providing the correct dimensions (which are enclosed within the file name)

Type: "3D_CT"

doi: 10.18563/m3.sf.770   state:published

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  See original publication

Published in Volume 07, issue 02 (2021)


Kassegne K. E., Mourlam M. J., Guinot G., Amoudji Y. Z., Martin J. E., Togbe K. A., Johnson A. K., Hautier L. 2021. First partial cranium of Togocetus from Kpogamé (Togo) and the protocetid diversity in the Togolese phosphate basin. Annales de Paléontologie  volume 107, Issue 2, April–June 2021, 102488. 

Cited by:

Koffi Evenyon Kassegne, Mickaël J. Mourlam, Guillaume Guinot, Yawovi Zikpi Amoudji, Jeremy E. Martin, Kodjo Adika Togbe, Ampah Kodjo Johnson and Lionel Hautier (2021). First partial cranium of Togocetus from Kpogamé (Togo) and the protocetid diversity in the Togolese phosphate basin. Annales de Paléontologie.