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Volume 10, issue 02
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ISSN: 2274-0422

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MorphoMuseuM, also referred to as M3, is a peer reviewed, online journal that publishes 3D models of vertebrates, including models of type specimens, anatomy atlases, reconstruction of deformed or damaged specimens, and 3D datasets (see for details).
M3 comes along with a free software, MorphoDig, which contains a set of tools for editing, positioning, deforming, labelling, measuring and rendering sets of 3D surfaces.
All 3D data presented on this website are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0. International License. License Creative Commons

Datasets in press

3D models related to the publication: Head anatomy and phylogenomics show the Carboniferous giant Arthropleura was a relative to both millipedes and centipedes
Mickael Lheritier Logo, Gregory D. Edgecombe Logo, Russell J. Garwood Logo, Adrien Buisson, Alexis . Gerbe Logo, Nicolás Mongiardino Koch Logo, Jean Vannier Logo, Gilles Escarguel Logo, Jérôme Adrien Logo, Vincent Fernandez Logo, Aude Bergeret-Medina Logo, Alexandra Giupponi and Vincent Perrier Logo
Published online: 11/10/2024

Keywords: Arthropleura; Carboniferous; Montceau-les-Mines; Phylogenomics


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models analyzed in the publication: Head anatomy and phylogenomics show the Carboniferous giant Arthropleura was a relative to both millipedes and centipedes. Lhéritier Mickaël, Edgecombe Gregory D., Garwodd Russell J., Buisson Adrien, Gerbe Alexis, Mongiardino Koch Nicolás, Vannier Jean, Escarguel Gilles, Adrien Jérome, Fernandez Vincent, Bergeret-Medina Aude, Giupponi Alexandra and Perrier Vincent. Sciences Advances.

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3D models of fossil specimens related to the publication: Inferring the locomotor ecology of two of the oldest fossil squirrels: influence of operationalisation, trait, body size, and machine learning method
Jan Wölfer Logo and Lionel Hautier Logo
Published online: 09/10/2024

Keywords: femur; geometric morphometrics; Palaeosciurus; rodents; Sciuridae


    This 3D Dataset includes the 3D models analysed in Wölfer J & Hautier L. 2024 Inferring the locomotor ecology of two of the oldest fossil squirrels: influence of operationalisation, trait, body size, and machine learning method. Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

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3D model related to the publication: Cranial Anatomy of Indohyus indirae (Raoellidae), an artiodactyl from the Eocene of India, and its implications for raoellid biology
Sonam Patel, Avinash C. Nanda, Maëva J. Orliac Logo and J. G. M. Thewissen Logo
Published online: 25/09/2024

Keywords: Artiodactyla; Cetacea; skull anatomy


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D model of the skull of the raoellid Indohyus indirae described in Patel et al. 2024.

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3D models related to the publication: Taxonomy and evolutionary history of peradectids (Metatheria): new data from the early Eocene of France.
Killian Gernelle Logo, Guillaume Billet Logo, Emmanuel Gheerbrant Logo, Marc Godinot Logo, Bernard Marandat, Sandrine Ladevèze Logo and Rodolphe Tabuce Logo
Published online: 05/08/2024

Keywords: dentition; Eocene; Europe; Peradectidae; systematics


    This contribution contains the three-dimensional models of the most complete and/or informative fossil materials attributed to Peradectes crocheti Gernelle, 2024, the earliest peradectid metatherian species of Europe, from its type locality (Palette, Provence, ~55 Ma). These specimens were analyzed and discussed in: Gernelle et al. (2024), Taxonomy and evolutionary history of peradectids (Metatheria): new data from the early Eocene of France.


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3D models related to the publication: Springhares, flying and flightless scaly-tailed squirrels (Anomaluromorpha, Rodentia) are the squirrely mouse: comparative anatomy of the masticatory musculature and its implications on the evolution of hystricomorphy in rodents
Léa Da Cunha Logo, Pierre-Henri Fabre Logo and Lionel Hautier Logo
Published online: 05/07/2024

Keywords: anatomy; Anomaluromorpha; hystricomorphy; masticatory muscles


    This contribution contains the 3D model(s) described and figured in the following publication: Da Cunha, L., Fabre, P.-H. & Hautier, L. (2024) Springhares, flying and flightless scaly-tailed squirrels (Anomaluromorpha, Rodentia) are the squirrely mouse: comparative anatomy of the masticatory musculature and its implications on the evolution of hystricomorphy in rodents. Journal of Anatomy, 244, 900–928.

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Current Issue

  Fossil reconstructions
The Fossils of Speothos pacivorus (Carnivora: Canidae) at the Peter Lund/Quaternary Collection of the Natural History Museum of Denmark
Juan V. Ruiz Logo, Christina Kyriakouli Logo, Kasper Hansen Logo, Carsten Gundlach Logo, Gabriel S. Ferreira Logo, Fabio A. Machado Logo, Pedro L. Godoy Logo, Mariela C. Castro Logo and Felipe C. Montefeltro Logo
Published online: 14/05/2024

Keywords: 3D reconstruction; Canidae; Lagoa Santa Karst; Pleistocene; Speothos


    Speothos pacivorus is an extinct South American canid (Canidae: Cerdocyonina) from the Pleistocene of Lagoa Santa Karst, Central Brazil. This taxon is one of the hypercarnivore canids that vanished from the continent at the end of Pleistocene. Although all remains of Speothos pacivorus were collected in the 19th century by the Danish naturalist Peter W. Lund, few studies have committed to an in-depth analysis of the taxon and the known specimens. Here, we analyzed all biological remains of S. pacivorus hosted in the Peter Lund/Quaternary Collection at the Natural History Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen, by listing and illustrating all its specimens known to date. We also conducted a reconstruction of the holotype, an almost complete cranium, based on a µCT scan, producing an undeformed and crack-free three-dimensional model. With this data available we aim to foster new research on this elusive species. 

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Digital restoration of the snout of Khirtharia inflata (Raoellidae,  Artiodactyla) from the middle Eocene of northwest Himalaya
Maëva J. Orliac Logo, Mohd Waqas Logo, Rajendra Rana Logo and Thierry Smith Logo
Published online: 20/06/2024

Keywords: Cetacea; incisor; India; raoellid


    In this work, we digitally restore the snout of the raoellide Khirtharia inflata from the Kalakot area (Rajouri District, Jammu & Kashmir, India). Raoellids are small, semiaquatic ungulates closely related to cetaceans. The specimen is fairly complete and preserves left and right maxillaries, left premaxillary, and part of the anterior and jugal dentition. The digital restoration of this quite complete but deformed specimen of Khirtharia inflata is a welcome addition to the data available for raoellids and will be used to further the understanding of the origins of cetaceans.

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  3D datasets
3D models related to the publication: A new primate community from the earliest Oligocene of the Atlantic margin of Northwest Africa: Systematic, paleobiogeographic and paleoenvironmental implications
Laurent Marivaux Logo, Anne-Lise Charruault Logo and Mouloud Benammi Logo
Published online: 20/06/2024

Keywords: Africa; Anthropoidea; Atlantic Sahara; Eocene/Oligocene transition; Strepsirrhini


    This contribution contains the three-dimensional digital models of the dental fossil material of anthropoid and strepsirrhine primates, discovered in Lower Oligocene detrital deposits outcropping in the Porto Rico and El Argoub areas, east of the Dakhla peninsula region (Atlantic Sahara; in the south of Morocco, near the northern border of Mauritania). These fossils were described, figured and discussed in the following publication: Marivaux et al. (2024), A new primate community from the earliest Oligocene of the Atlantic margin of Northwest Africa: Systematic, paleobiogeographic and paleoenvironmental implications. Journal of Human Evolution. 

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3D models related to the publication: The pharynx of the iconic stem-group chondrichthyan Acanthodes Agassiz, 1833 revisited with micro computed tomography.
Richard Dearden Logo, Anthony Herrel Logo and Alan Pradel Logo
Published online: 25/06/2024

Keywords: acanthodian; branchial skeleton; chondrichthyan; Permian; pharynx


    This contribution contains 3D models of the cranial endoskeleton of three specimens of the Permian ‘acanthodian’ stem-group chondrichthyan (cartilaginous fish) Acanthodes confusus, obtained using computed tomography. These datasets were described and analyzed in Dearden et al. (2024) “3D models related to the publication: The pharynx of the iconic stem-group chondrichthyan Acanthodes Agassiz, 1833 revisited with micro computed tomography.” Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 

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3D models related to the publication: Comparative anatomy of the vocal apparatus in bats and implication for the diversity of laryngeal echolocation.
Nicolas L. M. Brualla Logo, Laura A. B. Wilson Logo, Vuong T. Tu Logo, Richard . Carter Logo and Daisuke Koyabu Logo
Published online: 28/06/2024

Keywords: Chiroptera; larynx; mammalian nasopharyngeal morphology; vocal tract; x-ray microtomography


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models analyzed in Brualla et al., 2024: Comparative anatomy of the vocal apparatus in bats and implication for the diversity of laryngeal echolocation. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, vol. zlad180. ( Bat larynges are understudied in the previous anatomical studies. The description and comparison of the different morphological traits might provide important proxies to investigate the evolutionary origin of laryngeal echolocation in bats. 

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3D models related to the publication: Exon capture museomics deciphers the nine-banded armadillo species complex and identifies a new species endemic to the Guiana Shield.
Mathilde Barthe Logo, Lionel Hautier Logo, Guillaume Billet Logo, Anderson Feijó Logo, Benoit Moison Logo, Benoît de Thoisy Logo, François Catzeflis Logo and Frédéric Delsuc Logo
Published online: 28/06/2024

Keywords: carapace; Dasypus guianensis; holotype; skeleton; Xenarthra


    This contribution contains 3D models of the holotype of a new species of long-nosed armadillos, the Guianan long-nosed armadillo (Dasypus guianensis) described in the following publication: Barthe M., Rancilhac L., Arteaga M. C., Feijó A., Tilak M.-K., Justy F., Loughry W. J., McDonough C. M., de Thoisy B., Catzeflis F., Billet G., Hautier L., Nabholz B., and Delsuc F. 2024. Exon capture museomics deciphers the nine-banded armadillo species complex and identifies a new species endemic to the Guiana Shield. Systematic Biology, syae027.

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MorphoDig last news

MorphoDig 1.6.7

New feature in MorphoDig 1.6.7 ( ):

  • Scalar values (median, mean etc.) can now be extracted along an axis of interest (for instance to extract thickness profiles along a relevant axis)